Monday, August 15, 2011

Question about a neurological problem?

I've always had a lot of problems with cognition and physical abilities, ever since I was maybe 2-3 years old. It's ironic, because when I was a baby as young as 3 months I exhibited understanding of human speech, and by 6 months I was talking and learning rapidly. By kindergarten, however, my teachers noticed that I would not respond when my name was called, though I excelled in all ignments so that I had to be given third grade work to relieve my boredom. Social detachment wasn't my only issue, as I also had frequent episodes of spacing out and being unable to comprehend the simplest of instructions. I also often felt physically ill, moved awkwardly, and had poor motor skills. All of these problems continue to this day (I am now 15), and they are joined by an array of others. I've looked up different mental disorders and found that I have twenty or so symptoms of schizophrenia, but the problem there is that schizo is usually developed in the late teens or early adulthood, certainly not in the toddler years. I have, however, had the hallucinations (mainly auditory but sometimes visual) often ociated with schizophrenia. I would hear voices and music and see of flame daily, starting when I was 3 years old, but these disappeared altogether when I was about 5. I'd also get a sort of floating sensation sometimes, like my mind was not in sync with my body. I often get aches in my hands and feet, which turn blue when it is cold and scarlet when it's hot, and I still have terrible motor skills. I get terrible headaches and feel paranoid when I'm alone. Sometimes I talk to myself or have "practice conversations" with people I know who aren't present at the moment, but what's disturbing is that sometimes I don't realize I'm doing this until I'm a few minutes into it and see that I'm alone. I have really bad insomnia. Despite all this, I'm #2 in a cl of 700 freshmen... but really, there must be something wrong with me. I've been to doctors, but I find it difficult to express these issues in spoken word and have gotten no real help from a medical perspective. The only possible cause I can think of is that I had sleep apnea when I was younger and also sometimes stopped breathing when I was awake; perhaps this could have reduced oxygen to my brain, thus debilitating it in some way? Please help. All these things worry me, especially because it often seems that certain symptoms are worsening. :(

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