Saturday, August 13, 2011

Questions about the novel Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. HELP!?

First, my I suggest that you read this novel. It's actually a very good story and most informative. It will tell you something about real history, which is what the Kuomintang, the Chinese Communists, Mao, and so on, are about. That was really the point of this essay, too. So, since you obviously don't want to read the book, which is the interesting way to learn about this history, I suggest you dash on over to Google and look up a little of China's history in the 20th century. Find out what that Kuomintang is and how come they lost out to the Communists. Find out an eensy weensy bit about the history of the Communist Party in Red China (the People's Republic of China) on Google. And then, leaving aside your page numbers, for which you'll probably lose a few points, you can just wing the rest of the essay. And your teacher will know that you were too lazy to read the book, but maybe she won't mind because she'll see that you at least bothered to find out about China. Which, again, was the whole point.

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