Thursday, August 18, 2011

The mother of all relationship questions?

Ok so i'm only 13 but i am one of those people who gets all gushy ect. when it comes to love. So i am wondering some people say its better to date someone who is the complete opposite of you and others say it is the best to date the person you have the most in comen with whats your take?

Has anyone overcome major problems and ended up with a good / happy life?

for example, recovering from the loneliness of an abusive childhood and finding real contentment.can anyone tell me their story?

What do you think of Ke$ha's comments about Britney Spear's lip-synching?

she shud first look at herself. i'm not a ke$ha fan either. she definetly has to start behaving if she wants to get somewhere.

Holby city 8th September Annie Lennox Track?

Hey, I think 'Dark Road' was played at the end, but I'm sure there was an Annie Lennox track somewhere in the middle, might have been 'Pavement Cracks'. Hope this helps! x x x

Browser Hijacked - What should I do?

I used Norton for years but I've switched to AVG. It updates every day and its sole purpose is to guard against viruses. Also download spybot and adaware. It sounds like you have some kind of advertising spam.

ins creed 2 please help me?

In ins creed 2 where are the five ins seals located, how can you get Altair's clothes and when can you get sword of Altair and much does it cost? Please answer

What do you know about parasitic worms?

Found a parasitic worm-- looks similar to a catfish. It's naturally very small. What kind(s) could it be?

Does Zionism contraction Exodus 22:21?

i agree once we were all foreigners the natives were here first then came the cacusian race making you foreigners then came the afican americans were still foreginers to the natives...and they didnt treat us wrong they acutally helped us and touhgt us how to do things but n in modern time a mexican comes across the border for better living we put mines in the fields that seprate the us and mexico and try to take away their healtcare and livelyhood..not only is it imoral the us goes aginst the bible and we wonder why we are slowly falling apart thoes who dont follw gods demands will perish and we are perishing

Did Johnny "Lam" Jones as a 17 year high schooler in the spring 1976 run one of the fastest 100s ever?

Back in the spring of 1976, eventual 1976 Olympics Gold Medal winner as a 17 year old and future NCAA running back-wide receiver-kickoff returner and NFL wide receiver Johnny "Lam" Jones at the spring 1976 Laredo Border Olympics as the electronic timing device broke in the race in legal wind ran a hand timed 8.6 100 yard dash. Would this be one of the fastest 100 sprints ever in history up to today with legal wind?

I hate high school...?(please read more)?

I love to learn. I read a lot and like to find out about new things. I known I'm very intelligent, right now I'm taking 2 AP (college-level) cles and the rest of my cles are honors cles. High school is weird for me. I know I have friends and I'm not unpopular at all, but I feel very alone. I hate the suffocation of the school. The school I'm attending is one of the top 50 high schools in the country. (U.S. News and World Report) however I find I learn more on my own. I've taught myself to read and understand Shakespeare proficently and I enjoy reading Dante, Faulkner, and other authors. I take an avid interest in learning new things, but I feel suffocated in school. It's comparable to a prison. I'm not lazy, I just need some help. Does anyone know of any alternatives or have had a similar experience?

Best way to get JSA paid into another account?

I am on JSA just now so very poor. Bank has put 3 bank charges on my account in a week taking me to �-(minus)100. Very annoyed but nothing i can do. So i thought i could open a new account and have the next JSA paid into that, can i just open another current account with another bank?

Can someone tell me where to find obsolete Teseh and Briggs & Stratton engine parts in bulk quantities?

I keep a watch out for hardware stores going out of business, and there are plenty nationwide due to Lowe's, Home Depot as well as Wal Mart etc. Many of the older stores have a large quantity of B&S and Teseh parts.

What is army eod all about?

I know there's more to eod than defusing and detonating explosives? What other things might they do?

U.S. MNT: Bob Bradley gives out roster for next 2 qualifiers?

Overall, I can't argue too much.....but I do wonder about some things. I agree, it seems that Bradley just doesn't like Freddy Adu, who I think could still become one of the greatest ever American soccer players. I don't see why Conor Casey is in the roster. What about Frankie Hejduk? Are his national team days over? And I've got to question Brad Guzan----he's the back-up to Brad Freidal. Why has Freidal retired from international play? He's still obviously better than Guzan. And I think Kasey Keller probably is too. Nothing against Guzan, but he's not even getting playing time with a club team. IDK....overall, this is a solid roster. A couple things you just have to wonder about though.

UPS tracking says my package is out for delivery?

My tracking info says "Out for Delivery" as of 5:24am EDT. Will it arrive today? It's in my area.

Can anyone who owns ladnd paint yellow lines and charge for parking I thought that it was just Government?

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MLG Columbus, Ohio Hats?

I heard they sold team hats at the ohio event, do you think they'll start selling them on the website because i really wanted one but i couldnt go to columbus.

Any chefs tell me how to make thermador sause to go with crab , scallops and tiger prawns.?

Bechamel sauce,seasoning, cheese, mustard and brandy mix all the ingredients together then place your lobster or crab in to coat it then place back in shell gratinate it and then enjoy

How to force my wife to have liposuction?

I am separated with my wife right now, now i don't feel sick every time i open my eyes. Where was the pion in the relationship? It is gone, replaced by ugliness, you see Mrs. Martin is not a pretty lady shes more like an offensive line men or a tight end, big and hairy, but fertile. She gave me 5 kids, but she is even bigger, now she is like the a whole offensive line. I feel no pride in myself, no pride in the marriage. I am ashamed of this lady that raised my wonderful children. I love my wife even though she is a fat porker. Is there a way to force her to get liposuction?

What are these shoes called?

i dont have a pic but theyre the new trend for girls...i think theyre called loafers?? or they look like loafers but do you know the specific name for it? theyre like the tan shoes with shoelaces. kind of like the business shoes men wear to work?

What are the main charities working to help the following countries?

Lots of them...but, the charity seems to have a mysterious way of turning into military supplies before anyone suffering sees most of it. You sell some food on the black market and buy some rockets...

Remington .22 bolt action, tubular magazine, shoots shorts and longs.?

Contact Remington and get them to tell you want the model number is. They may want you to send some pictures so get your digital camera ready.

New York speeding ticket accused of 74 in a 55. Wasn't going 74 was going 65 what are my options at trial?

I recieved a speeding ticket claiming I was traveling 74 mph in a 55. I was traveling 65 actually and I think he stopped the wrong person. I been interstate traveler from Pa to New york a long time and know generally their pull over threshold is 70 mph in a 55 zone and 80 in a 65 zone for staties on the high way.. So if I was clocked correctly he wouldnt of plled me over in the girst place. What would be my trial options I am sure this isnt an original defense but its the truth from my vantage point. Do I offer a plea for failure to obey a device or for 65 mph any suggestions welcomed

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What are your thoughts on the unusual life- and death- of Michael Jackson?

What do you think was his reasoning in many of his eccentric ways?Do you think any one song of his is most self-explanatory? Do you think he was a very deep human being or the Peter Pan of narcissism?

Kung fu movie title?

i saw the trailer during 2006-07 or may be 2008. it showed some quite gud special effects. a boy flying down from sky.. daggers flying here and there.. perhaps it had some students in a shaolin school or something help

Help with toddler!!!?

Your not a bad mom first of all and of he barely started its probably just a faze my daughter throws tantrums and starts crying at the top of her lungs if she doesnt get her way I've noticed that if I scream at her or say something before she has not calmed down she'll just keep it up wait till he calms down and even if he hasnt after five min. tell him in a neutral tone what he did wrong and for next time to just ask it seems to work althought she does go back sometimes to the same rouine we got to remember theyre still kids it also helps if you talk to men in his life and ask them when your not around to mention good things about you and that he should pay attention to you after all they are his role models. Hope this helps...dont worry.

There are three words in the English language that end in "gry". ONE is angry and the other is hungry.

EveryONE knows what the third ONE means and what it stands for. EveryONE uses them everyday, and if you listened very carefully, I've given you the third word. What is it? _______gry?

Gothic Doll makeup help?

put some white powder on your face.(not like sheet white though. that'll just look weird). wear some black lipstick. for your eyes you should probably do smoky eyes. for your cheeks do like a reddishpinkish color.

V-Star 650/1100 good starter bike?

I've been looking for a good starter bike the past few months and I was starting to get discouraged having looked into the smaller 250 - 500cc bikes on the market. That was until i came across the V-Star 650. What an awesome and comfortable bike! I'd like a bike that not only looks good but will handle highway speeds comfortably on my commute to work, something the 250-500cc bike won't do. I'm not concerned with the in town ride as much as on the highway because I live out in the country and the only way out are roads in excess of 90-100kmh (55-60 mph). Anyway, so I'm really interested in the V-Star 650 but I was wondering for the difference in price and weight (about 2000 cdn and 90lbs) would it unwise to get 1100 over 650? I'm not a speed freak, I would just like to not have to upgrade so soon. BTW I am 6ft 175lbs and I am taking the safety course in the next few weeks.

One day you go on a picnic. There is a slight breeze the napkins stay on the tablecloth becuase of...?

D. There is not enough force to break the napkins free. ume the situation where the napkins start to slide on the table. Since sliding friction is always less than static friction, if they had started moving that would indicate there was enough force to break static friction meaning there was more than enough force to overcome sliding friction since sliding is always less than static. Rolling friction has to do with wheels rolling on a surface and fluid friction does not apply here since neither the napkins nor the tablecloth are fluid.

How do you change a tire?

how do you change a rear tire on a 1994 ford truck. i took off all the lugs, and the rim seems to be rusted on. i tried pounding on it with a sledge hammer. is there something else i should do, that i don't know about?

I need an oxymoron or paradox with any form of the word FUSION or FUSE?

If not even an oxymoron, a catchphrase. I want a nickname to refer to someone whose behavior is tearing apart the kinship of our group. She's usually the only oddball in the majority, but everyone was getting along until she overreacted to something that was her own fault and "blew a fuse" at one of the girls in our inner circle, and now some feel they have to choose sides. I thought about 'fused fission' but that would imply that she fixed the problem and brought us all back together. Thought of 'fizzed fusion' but i dont think 'fizzed' is a word...

*for guys* need opinion?

is it weird when a girl is tall? i mean, i've had a couple boyfiends before, but I'm six foot, blonde, and a really fit rower. i love my height, but people always jab at me for it. wats ur opinions?

How do you know if you shattered your ear cartilage?

If it's done with a needle the cartilage won't shatter, it's usually when it's done with a gun that will happen. If it happens the cartilage will be misshaped after-wards, I'm not sure if it ever heals properly it depends on how bad it shatters. The popping noise was probably because it was close to your ear hole so you could hear the needle go through.

Can someone help me with this fish and pond situation?

Alright there is this pond I have been fishing at my whole life. It's a natural structure the size of a football field deep in southeast TX. A large creek runs into it. My grandpa and dad have caught a 12lb b and large catfish it a good decade ago. But I cant catch any catfish larger than a pound mud cat. The b are still there, very large gar,I still see them. I noticed that there are a whole lot of snakes and turtles in there. the pond is about 12ft deepest and good structure for fish, why cant I catch large catfish? I wanna know if the sankes and turtles could be affecting the fish. I have even seen logger head turtles in there as big as table tops,soft shell too. If they are the problem then I can take em out with my 22, just say the word. I do put trot lines and drop lines in there and the next day the bait is gone, entire perch and shad. I know turtle do this, but I just cant see how they could have dissapated large catfish throughout the years. Help me please.

So.. the Flintstones. That is a conservative show, right?

I mean first of all, men and dinosaurs together. That says something right there. But... liberal or conservative?

Why is it that people attack our love interests to hurt us?

Recently because I have introduced my girlfriend of 5 months to my family all I hear from my cousins is shes ugly, shes has no , she has no behind. I sometimes wish i could be far far away from my family. The words of my cousins get to me because I love her and she is absolutely gorgeous to my eyes. I am okay with them having their opinions but keeping to themselves would be much appreciated. But no the onslaught of mental abuse continues. Even in the past with past girlfriends they had slandered and put me down. How can my own family not enjoy the fact that I am happy. Last summer was horrible for me because of many a things. I was just so distraught that nobody loved me. But now she does and all my cousins want me to feel is misery. It makes sense that they make fun of her though. She is a very self-respecting individual who does whatever she wants just like me. We do not follow the foolish trends of modern teens. So what she can stick up for herself. Whatever. This is a new age and women deserve the same freedoms as I. I just don't understand how my cousins can do this to me while they find girls who are in my idea ... how do you say somewhat promiscuous. Please guys give me whatever answers you can. I just wanted to vent and I know that it won't change my cousins feelings about my girlfriend.

Police to launch criminal investigation into MPs' expenses claims, will we see some MPs in court?

This will be nothing more than a whitewash, we will be informed through the media over the summer months that the investigation is proceeding and then an announcement will be made that no action will be taken. It is not in the interests of the establishment to further weaken an already discredited mother of all parliaments!

Is it possible to have neg ELISA and a positive Western Blot and have lyme disease?

I havent been feeling well for awhile. Ive had severe anxiety and panic attacks, depression, fatigue, achiness, stiffness in neck, lack of appetite, trouble sleeping, memory loss etc....I went to Dr where she did an eco cardiogram. It showed abnormalities in my heart. She then had me go for blood work which included ELISA as well as the western blot. The ELISA came back negative for lymes but the Western Blot came positive for two out of the 3 things they were testing for. I ve been told that the ELISA is very inaccurate and the other is more accurate. Has anyone ever heard of neg ELISA and pos WB? Ive read many article about the test result a pos ELISA and neg WB...

I have a 1999 plymouth voyager that keeps overheating?

I have changed thermo., changed temp sensor, hot wired fans and they seem to work. I can not locate the relay that controls the fan to see if it is any good. and what other things should i try

Are there any good books on how to fish?

but i have not been fishing in many years .given i was a child at the time.but with my love on nature and for the great out doors i just feel i need a little refresher course..thank you.

How can I convince girl to take off gles during ?

My new girlfriend wears gles and the thing is that when we have she won't take them off. I am afraid to tell her cause she might get mad. I have been a little nearsighted since middle school and never wear gles. I can drive, read, I work, and do everything without need for gles. So how come she can't take them off when she's with me? I think she would look even better without them.

Who were the parents of Jesus?

No...Mary Magdalene was around Jesus' age. Mary, sister of Elizabeth who is mother of John the Baptist, gave birth to Jesus. Check out the chapter of Luke! It's very helpful

My friend having hot and cold flashes, can't eat and is sweating really bad. What could be wong?

He is 51 years old and has degenerative disc syndrome. He can barely move because his back is in so much pain. He doesn't want to go to the hospital, but he says it feels like he is dying.

Awesomely Bad and Spectacular Action Films?

My favorite awesomely bad action film is "Mean Guns". It is so, so bad - people beating the crap out of each other with every possible type of weapon imaginable, all set to mambo music. It doesn't get much worse than that!

Bolton council planning to remove roadside tributes to those that have died in road accidents?

I have to say, that although it might be ok to leave a tribute at the time, as usual with society, it seems to be going too far these days. Some areas of tributes are being maintained for years, and the proper place to do that is a grave, the relatives should have arranged a burial with a grave that can be adorned. Otherwise where does it end? Half the country will be turned into mini-shrines.

What are some good vampire romance books?

not sure whether or not this is romantic, but I'm about to start reading blood and chocolate and it was good enought to be turned into a movie.....I'm pretty sure it's romanitic

Will a county warrant show up on a TWIC card background check? Will that prevent me from getting a TWIC card?

I have a felony warrant from a county in a miwest state. I live in the far North now. I have paid restitution in full for this misunderstanding. Despite repeatedly calling and speaking with the prosecuting attorneys office. This warrant still shows up when I do a county search. I have ped employment background checks. I have ped high security (oil company) background checks. But will I p a TWIC background check?

Montana Farm Acreage Question?

Ok, I'm looking into building a house in Montana (beautiful country out there) and I have no idea how many acres I'm going to need. Let me give you a list of everything we're going to do with the land, a 5-bedroom house (still working on the sq-ft measurements), a big barn (we'll be raising pigs, cows and horses), a duck pond and then of course there needs to be be fenced grazing land. Any suggestions?

Since Florida Republican Governor has a 29% Approval Rating is he the least popular of all governors everywhre?

He TOOK the 5th thirty something times when he was on trial for Medicare Fraud.He was charged with embezzling billions. Currently Rick Scott has proposed a utility rate increase for residents SO that corporations can pay lower rates. this he has said will CREATE JOBS.This is getting old, fellow countrymen! Republicans like Scott,Walker and the one in Ohio, John something have to go.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What actions would you expect the restaurant to take if you found a bug in your dinner?

I went to a nice restaurant in my area and found a mayfly in my caesar salad. The manager comped the entire meal and gave our table a bottle of wine. In doing so, I still visit the restaurant.

How do you tell your parents you're getting engaged?

I am a sopre in college and my boyfriend is about to join the coast guard in about 3 months. We've been together for about two years and I couldn't be happier. Before he leaves for his new station, we are planning on getting engaged... so that's pretty soon. I already got a promise ring for Christmas so I'm sure my parents know it's coming. The problem lies in that in the begining of our relationship, we hit some rocky times and he had a marajuana problem which is GONE now and he is the same man I knew before that all happened. And we were kinda on again off again for a while.. I know his parents will support our decision as they have already suggested I move with him to his new station.. But we have talked about it and I am going to stay here for a year and then we will get married next summer to give me time to get my cles out of the way, him set up at his new station, and us time to save money. I just don't know how to broach this with my parents...

Collegamento portatile internet?

Mi hanno regalato un portatile e vorrei collegarmi a internet.A casa mi collego col pc fisso tramite fastweb.come posso fare per collegarmi anche col portatile? grazie per l'aiuto

For reflexive pronouns in italian...?

how do you know when you add sono siamo siete etc after mi ti si etc and how do you know if you were to use present perfect tense in reflexive when you make it iti ite uto oto ata etc ?

What foods from the US does New Zealand not have?

I am going to go to New Zealand to visit my brother and his fiance and all of her family and I want to bring them things that are uniquely american, mainly foods that I can take in a suit case. My brother has told me a few candies, but i would really like to take a large variety.

When a himalayan cat grows up, does the whole entire face become dark or only part of it?

just wondering cuz i have a 3 month old seal point and wondering how much of it will darken when she is grown up

Rate my date. how do YOU think it went?

My guess is that you were nervous, and that the two of you don't really know each other yet. Why not try hanging out after school and getting to know each other a little bit better as people? I think that's more natural than this dating stuff; that has always seemed awkward and forced to me. Once you get the hang of each other, maybe you'll wind up liking to be together, and then you can do the dating thing without so much awkwardness. Does this make sense?

What is Akira? I need help...?

I'm doing a paper on the ihistory of anime/manga. Akira is part of my 5page report. Can someone help me with finidng a website that is NOT wikipedia to tell me about it in great depth?

Why the hell is P.E. so important?!(read additional info)?

P.E. is just one component of a well-rounded education. Some students may ask "Why have Math?" or "Who cares about History?" The general idea behind a well-rounded education is to expose you to a variety of subjects that might serve you well in life. Let's face it... P.E. is more than just playing a sport. It's teamwork... it's working together to achieve a goal. You have to admit, working together is a skill we all will need.

Possible to stay friends with ex boyfriends?

Say you've been dating a guy for a little under two years. He's an amazing guy, and he's treated you so well. But you've just started becoming tired of him. You don't find the goofy things he does funny anymore, and everything he does irritates you. You fight all the time over stupid things. You don't know what to do, cuz you don't want to break his heart. Do you think it's possible to stay friends with this person after being together so long and entrusting each other with so much?

How can I explain that I haven't worked since more than a year?

I would say that you were a homemaker. Don't say anything about the medical/transportation as they could use it against you. If need be the "personal reasons" cateogry is always best

OK weird question. Vinnie Paz never uses the N word right?

I dont understand why dude above said that white people shouldn't use that word!1 lol Neither should black people for that matter. The context of the word should be considered if ANY race is going to use it!! dummies!

Using bottled amonia to cycle a fishtank, anyone an expert?

I can find pure amonia, without perfumes, dyes, etc. All of the clear amonia I can find has had at least a small amount of surfactant added to it. Anybody know if this is a problem? I have a skimmer... will that take care of any surfactant effect?

Is this true? i read this on a yahoo answers on a question?

"During the period of a solar maximum many solar flares are occurring, thus the Earth’s core temperatures increase dramatically. As a result the Earth goes through a period of dramatic change caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. The Earth is headed for a solar maximum within the next 2-3 years. NASA’s STEREO program monitors solar flares. Check into STEREO program to see when a solar flare occurs. 2-3 days after solar flares reach Earth we see a high magnitude earthquake somewhere along the edge of the plates. On April 8th sunspot 1060 delivered a B3-cl solar flare that will reach Earth April 11th or 12th. Expect high magnitude seismic activity somewhere on this planet in between the 11th and 14th. Add 3D Sun and GAquakes to your iPod and you can monitor solar activity and earthquakes. You can clearly see a relationship between unstable solar activity and seismic activity!"

The prosimians on the island of Madagascar.............?

As you have seen in the videos, and read , the prosimians on the island of Madagascar are very diverse in their appearance, size, diet, behavior, etc. Why do think there is so much diversity among these primates? Why are these primates so rare, and could their rarity be linked to the enormous diversity of species?

I wanna kiss my best friends! (all girls) HELP!?

It sounds like they're game. The next time you have a sleepover play spin the bottle. Maybe combine it with seven minutes in heaven.

Where is Lady Vega's hideout in Megaman Starforce 2?

You have to go back to where you fought Hollow in the Maze. There will be a portal there. If it's not there then I'm not sure. Try

Supernatural fans, what do you love most about Dean?

I love his one-liners as he gets the best lines and he is so funny!!! I also love how he will do anything to protect Sam and keep him safe, after all he went to Hell and back for Sam, that's true brotherly love for you!!!! Thanks, Lisa Michelle x x lol x x

Is it illegal to buy domain names that might infringe copyright?

It's not a matter of copyright; it's a matter of trademark. If a name CONTAINS a trademark, you probably shouldn't register it. If you registered, Microsoft would most likely sue you for release of the domain, and they would most likely win. Typos are in a gray area, and it may depend on exactly what you register and how you use it. wouldn't work because I believe "disney" alone is a trademark. You MIGHT get away with, but some cases have successfully been brought against names that were intentionally used to cause confusion for unethical purposes (like phishing sites). There are trademark violations as well as "likeness" violations.

Is it wrong to date him?

There is a guy pursuing me who was in a relationship with and has a child with a girl I also used to friends with. The girl and I were friends in high school and she became my roommate for 6 months, but I had to put her out for not keeping up with her portion of the bills and keeping my house like a pig sty and bringing multiple men in and out that she met on myspace. Our friendship ended very bitterly over 2 years ago because of those things. The guy has been pursuing me for 8 months already, I still wont even go on a date with him. Their child together is 6 years old and lives with him. They haven't been together for over 3 years. I like him, but it is ok for me to go on a date with him, do i still have to respect the dont date a friends ex "rule" even though she and I aren't friends anymore??

Read this and tell me if its about finding love or losing love?

I think it is about both, about someone losing love and then taking the long journey to get it back after a long time of heart ache. and after reading i feel sort of sad but also hopeful, like there is still a chance out there for people to find love, even if they thought it was forever lost.

Would you care for a few more Clerihews?

I love your Clerihews! Some call me The Thinker too,lol.Actually my Uncle is the real thinker in my family,he seems to have everything thought and worked out by the time you have just started to think about things! good job,keep writing!

What is a dream?No1 knows the Truth!?

What is really a dream?Is it a dimension that you hide deep in your brain to escape from reality?Id it just mire images or do they really tell the future like some people say?What is a dream?Many things have been said but are those lies or are they true?

I get a PUK Blocked message on ATT LG 500 phone?

I was told that *#06# would unblock it. Not working. Closest ATT place s 30 miles away. Anyone familiar with such a code?

Nintendo DS WFC help, connects to opera but not games?

This check to make sure they are both "valid" entry points. Also, don't try moving around too much while finding the connection, for it will break any connection you find.

Can you use glycerin-based soap on your face?

I just bought one olive soap from The Body Shop which they told me was glycerin-based, and I wanted to know if I could use it on my face, and if it would help with any acne problems? The only thing is that it's a scented soap, because they didn't have any fragrance-free types.

When I have another baby....?

i have always liked the neme dahlia but i spell it dalia yeh i like that one just not the others thats my opinion

Which God is your personal favorite?

Prometheus, hands down. He was the only god that cared about humans enough to give us the kind of knowledge that would liberate us from the gods. Best one, in my opinion.

I need quick help. Fast!!!!!!?

I need to be able to do... I can't remember the exact number, but quite a few (OVER 100) pushups for my black belt test. I can barely do one, and I'm not even exaderating! I've been doing (50) bicept curls, (25) tricept kickbacks, (50) chest flies, and (25) chest presses. I only own 5 pounds weights. Are there any other muscles I need to target? Any other tips? Thanks so much!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Which Is A Better Title For The Book I'm Writing?

i definatly like beyond the stars. it is the best choice, ur right. and yes, yes, yes PLEASE put on ur chapters when you can!!!! i love it!!!!!!! u r a very very very very VERY good writer! oh-and dont listen to those negative people. listen to me!!!! i know what my opinion is.

T.A.T.U????? Russian band??

My uncle came to my house yesturday and i asked him " who else in my family is famus" and then he said " well we have a famus singer from russia" and he told me she sings in TATU. And he said her name is Yulia Volkova...... I listond to her first song " Not gonna get us" and i am OBSSED with that song! and Ya soshla S uma!!

What is the coolest part of the ear to peirce

I just asked the question about piercing you tragus and then i saw pictures and it dosent look real great lol... I'm not a big fan of body piercing so i like to peirce my ears and i need personal opinions on what is the coolest part of an ear to peirce ( i already have my first two holes on the bottom of my ear done)

Is there a name for a female dog?

Is there a name for a female dog? Like the name for a female horse is a mare or a female bovine is a cow and a female sheep is a ewe. wink wink.

My grandmother is obese, and it concerns me greatly. Is there anything I can do?

You are being truthful that your grandmother is obese...this is not mean...just facts. And it's also true that this is affecting everything about her health. Yes, she needs to lose weight. But the only person who can start this process is her. You can encourage, but in the end, it's up to her. You might ask her if she needs information about losing weight, you might even start walking with her, but you might watch her give up. Sometimes that happens with elderly people...if they feel there's nothing left. You also might want to talk to her doctor...she might be depressed too...and maybe the doctor can help with meds and counseling. Dear Heart, that's all you can do. I wish you well, and I hope things work for you, but sometimes life is like that.

How Much Should I Exorcise In A Week?

Cause I don't exorcise at all. I'm afraid it'll either make me lose weight or gain muscle. Muscle to me is very unattractive and I like the bony look. Also I don't need to lose weight cause I'm already a little underweight. Is it neccasary to exorcise to be healthy and if so how much should I exorcise if I don't want to gain muscle or lose weight?

Help me plz I have a braces question! (wil be giving 10 points)?

About a year and a half ago I got braces not cuz my teeth were crooked but cuz I hVe no canine teeth so they need to pull all my teeth over. Anyways I got one of my canine teeth pulled (I had baby canine teeth but not grownup pair so it had to be pulled) today I took out the pulled tooth from like 2 years ago and I compared it to my teeth and it looked so white and clean and my teeth next to it looked yellow! Why is that? I brush my teeth twice a day what can I do about it? It's rlly starting to bug me I thought my teeth weren't that yellow I thought they were white but next to the old pulled tooth it looked yellow! So what do I do about it? And how did the color change?? Btw I'm 13 years old and imma girl.

Why are feminists so angry?

The majority of feminists i have had the pleasure (or more like displeasure) of getting to speak with always seem so angry and uptight. I have had even worse experiences with feminist people on yahoo answers, especially in this category. They seem to always be on the prowl for anything slightly ist, or anything a showing inequality to women. Worse, they always reply in rude manors, always degrading either the asker, or the male race. Why is that? Have feminists had bad experiences with men, and therefore hate them enough to pronounce themselves part of feminism. Some clarification would be greatly appreciated. Please no rude answers, and if you are a feminist, why?

Does evolution have a floundering foundation of unfounded fossils ?

The sedimentary layer has failed to produce detailed and consistent evidence of species transforming into other species. Darwin's theory DEMANDS evidence.... and there is none.

Monologues, monologues, i need monoluges?

So my culminating task starts tomorrow and I am freaking out I have no idea what to do. All we were told was that me have to do is a one-person show and we have to pick theme and I have no idea what theme to pick. I had the idea that I could do a theme about being naive but that is like innocence I someone in my cl is already doing that and I didn't want to see all emo and depressed because that might be to dark. I need help! This is worth 30% of my grade!

Does anyone know any good bosnian nnames?

I'm getting a new brother or sister!We're having trouble finding some good Bosnian names because my family bosnian. Help!

Question about a neurological problem?

I've always had a lot of problems with cognition and physical abilities, ever since I was maybe 2-3 years old. It's ironic, because when I was a baby as young as 3 months I exhibited understanding of human speech, and by 6 months I was talking and learning rapidly. By kindergarten, however, my teachers noticed that I would not respond when my name was called, though I excelled in all ignments so that I had to be given third grade work to relieve my boredom. Social detachment wasn't my only issue, as I also had frequent episodes of spacing out and being unable to comprehend the simplest of instructions. I also often felt physically ill, moved awkwardly, and had poor motor skills. All of these problems continue to this day (I am now 15), and they are joined by an array of others. I've looked up different mental disorders and found that I have twenty or so symptoms of schizophrenia, but the problem there is that schizo is usually developed in the late teens or early adulthood, certainly not in the toddler years. I have, however, had the hallucinations (mainly auditory but sometimes visual) often ociated with schizophrenia. I would hear voices and music and see of flame daily, starting when I was 3 years old, but these disappeared altogether when I was about 5. I'd also get a sort of floating sensation sometimes, like my mind was not in sync with my body. I often get aches in my hands and feet, which turn blue when it is cold and scarlet when it's hot, and I still have terrible motor skills. I get terrible headaches and feel paranoid when I'm alone. Sometimes I talk to myself or have "practice conversations" with people I know who aren't present at the moment, but what's disturbing is that sometimes I don't realize I'm doing this until I'm a few minutes into it and see that I'm alone. I have really bad insomnia. Despite all this, I'm #2 in a cl of 700 freshmen... but really, there must be something wrong with me. I've been to doctors, but I find it difficult to express these issues in spoken word and have gotten no real help from a medical perspective. The only possible cause I can think of is that I had sleep apnea when I was younger and also sometimes stopped breathing when I was awake; perhaps this could have reduced oxygen to my brain, thus debilitating it in some way? Please help. All these things worry me, especially because it often seems that certain symptoms are worsening. :(

Does pregnancy cause weird dreams?

For some women it certainly does. And dreams often don't make sense... I read somewhere that during sleep your brain is piecing together information it gathered throughout the day which it did not have time to process while you were awake (so the stuff that gets held in your sub conscience). Since our brains like to make patterns out of seeming chaos, dreams can be seriously funky as we try to fit together all this random junk into order. Anyway, take heart, you're not weird. Hormones are funny things and they are bound to mess with your dreams!

What kind of characteristics would you expect to see in a patient with 60% pulmonic regurgitation?

Pulmonic (pulmonary) regurgitation (PR) is incompetency of the pulmonic valve causing blood flow from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle during diastole. The most common cause is pulmonary hypertension. PR is usually asymptomatic. Signs include a decrescendo diastolic murmur. Diagnosis is by echocardiography. Usually, no specific treatment is necessary except for management of conditions causing pulmonary hypertension.

Christian women...If you were forcibly taken by a man who murdered your husband, would you consider it ?

Dude you have some serious issues I have already showed you the meaning of the scripture and it has nothing to do with . God granted permission for his people to marry within the people that were taken captives but the woman he married is no longer a captive so she cannot be sold only divorced as is with any wife.

Is global warming equviliant to terrorism?

Hmmmm.... I think a better category to put people like Hansen and Gore into the same category as Bernie Madoff. All are just using fraud to get rich,

Thin Lizzy Fans Who Was There Best Lead Guitarist ?

There is quiet choice actually . Eric Bell ,Brian Robertson , Gary Moore ,Midge Ure ,Scot Gorham ,Snowy White & John Sykes .

What is the first step into the industry?

If you're underage -and it looks like it- it is illegal. It's called statutory , even if you consent. Stay in school and don't do it.

Los angeles bus fare box?

What are all the things the fare box inside the bus take? Does it accept nickels? Does it accept American Express? And is there a closeup photo of it anywhere on the internet? I've never been on the bus and I understand that once you get on the bus without a token or bus p there's no time to figure it out.

Can there REALLY be such a thing as a "punk rock Christian band"?

No there cant be just like there can not be a black metal christian band but people are still likely to argue the fact. Its hypocrisy however and that word is a common thing in religion.

Can an a african grey parrot be kept with a Blue and Gold Macaw?

I have an Africian grey parrot that is my sweet baby. But I am considering taking in an Blue and Gold. I want to know if keeping them together eventually will work? Because I need them to be able to be together in order to spend enough time with them each day. The majority of the day they will be either on me or in the same room on a swing or stand. So they would need to get along. Please only experienced bird owners respond.

How good is an sks as an all round type of gun?

can i hunt medium sized game with it within 200 or 150 yards like bores and deer is it a good firearm to protect my home and are they tough rifles (no firearm should be treated badly i know this but i need a rifle that i dont feel that i have to shed a tear because i dropped it by accident not literally but i think any real gun owner has an idea what i'm talking about. i just need one i can take in the woods and for hiking and other woodsy things with, i'm also looking at a 30-30 marlin lever action but i seen my dads old sks and loved it ever since i was 5 years old so i've always wanted one.

Panic Attacks?

they started in high school. this sounds weird but i would be walking down the hall of school and if i was walking directly in front of someone i start to panic and feel like i was going to faint. it was really embaring. every time i'd go to school it would be a battle to not panic and die. everytime i turned the corner i would be so scared and shaky that another one would come. they are the weirdest feeling too because your body feels really shaky and weak and like you are going to faint and you have no control. now im in college and they have gotten better but i think it was just because i was in a closed in area in high school and now college is walking outside so its not as nerve wracking and claustrophobic. but i feel like if i go somewhere thats closed in i might get the attacks again like a mall for instance. i feel like the attacks are triggered by people being around me and i get them when people are walking towards me its weird..any suggestions

I need help! I'm really pissed and need suggestions!!!?

OMG, i feel like i am reading something i wrote! My oldest sister is very similiar to yours. We don't hang out and i don't call her anymore. I am sick of being judged by her and i am sick of her asking my daughter questions that are really none of her business. Personally i don't have a relationship with her. I am civil at holidays but it ends there. It's not the best way that things could have turned out but since she won't change her ways - it's what works for me. What makes it worse is that my mother thinks this chick walks on water, literally. My mum had to leave her apartment and my sis (who lived in a $750,000.00 home) wouldn't invite her there so I had my mum move into my 3 bedroom ranch house...go figure.

Is this cheating? (Very short explanation)?

I dont know if I would clify it as cheating because they dont hook up or hang out. But it is def. wrong. You shouldnt let him treat you like this or let him get away with it. Even if he is just a flirt I personally wouldnt want my guy talking like that to another girl. If it bothers you and you have asked him to stop and he really hasn't I would say goodbye to him. You dont need that.

What version of ms-dos is can i put windows 3.1 on?

6.22 is what was being used when 3.1 came out (if my very buggy memory serves), but I have 3.1 running on an old (as in 486DX50) laptop under 5.0, and it works.

2008 honda odyssey touring with pax and without?

y do they charge more for the pax tires on the touring models now,they came standard with tourings for 2007

Christians why do you agree with Mike Huckabee that Atheists are Narcissistic?

I don't agree with him in that. And narcissism is more than simply "having a little bit of confidence in yourself." Actually, narcissism is considered a personality disorder. Now, to avoid offending anyone, I think the "narcissism" that you're referring to is not actually NPD, it's simply believing in yourself and being confident in yourself. I think you'll find that there are people from any cultural group or social group that have this confidence in themselves.

5 week old infant in great discomfort after nursing!?

My friend has a 5 week old baby who cries ALOT after he is fed. He will cry for 30-45 minutes after he nurses. His little stomach gets hard and it looks like he is just writhing in pain. He will finally get tuckered out and fall asleep. This happens probably 80% of the time after he eats. His pediatrician gave mom gas medicine and some probiotics for the baby. She also has tried gripe water. I have 4 kids of my own and never experienced this with any of my kids. Does the baby's discomfort fall within "normal" in your opinion? I thought mom should try cutting out dairy from her diet and see if that helps. I only thought of that because one of my babies was allergic to milk proteins when I was nursing. Anyone with experience with this?

Which would you rather do?

Surfing; Do them both at the same time; Neither I work to hard for my Family; Neither; I Love San Diego lived there for more than 30 years; GO CHARGERS!; Be a man with a mans body; Both I drive a Chrysler!

Portable Headset or Earphones - Excellent Sound + Mic - to fit Netbook?

Anyone know of a good and affordable combination of portability (preferably in-ear), excellent sound and built-in microphone in a headset? I want to us this primarily on my netbook, but also for my mp3 player. Tall order? thanks!

Christian Rock Alternatives?

I Really Like Bands Like Slipknot, Hollywood Undead, Linkin Park, System Of A Down, Puddle Of Mudd, Nirvana, Metallica And Bands Like That.... Is There Christian Bands That Sound Similar To Those?

What does USPS MEAN???

it means they haven't shipped it yet, but USPS will be getting it from the company to ship to you soon.

Would you support tying our international development aid to population control?

in light of the crisis in the Horn of Africa (drought in Somalia, Ethiopia, etc.). birth rates in these poor, arid countries are unrealistically high due to a lack of family planning. Too many countries let their populations spiral out of control, only to be bailed out once more by the G7 nations, whose birth rates are sustainable.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is Bill Clinton always on the prowl?

The answer is YES..... I wonder what Bill said it was going to cost the two journalist to get them free....a "Lewinsky"? Sounds like Sultan wants to give Bill a "Lewinsky"

How to get thicker luscious hair?

I have thick hair & i don't do anything to it. I always change shampoos though right now i'm using baby, try extensions to make your hair look fuller & give it more volume.i know you say you have long hair but extensions the same lenght as your hair will make it fuller. there are also manhy products that mek hair fuller.wax, hairspray,beyond the zone protein tail is pretty good to make your hair fuller & wont weight it down & smells good : )

Is anyone here a Kasey Chambers fan besides me?

I think Kasey Chambers is very talented, although I don't hear much of her music here in the U.S. (she's Austrailian). Anyone here like her music too? Does country radio consider her too "pop" sounding? Check out some of her music!!!

I need help identifying stars in the sky?

Ok so i look up in the sky and its December and i see these 6 stars and they are quite close to each other (probably 100's of light years away but they look close to each other from earth) it kind of looks like a really tiny version of the big dipper and I'm wondering if its a constellation or something like that can someone help me identify what i am looking at?

When Bush throws us a 'kickback' check,will it really stimulate the economy? He only wants to give a couple

of extra dollars in Food Stamps to the poor. Do you think it really helps a "highway off-ramp beggar",when you toss a handful of spare change at him? How much do you want to bet,that as soon as you get YOUR check,the gas prices will jump,and all of YOUR check will go to "W"s oil buddies!

What kind major should I go to college for for plants?

I'm interested in horticulture and botany. I like the idea of botany, But I love the professional growing of horticulture. Is it possible to major in Horticulture, and minor in Botany? Also, If i have experience in both, Am I more likely to find a better job? Do Botanists know how to grow plants, or do they only know the science behind them? And do Horticulturists know the science behind plants? Basically I'm wanting a deep knowledge of both. Thanks for any info.

What golf clubs are used in the driving range?

You can use any\all of your clubs at the range, except the putter. If they have a practice putting green then you can use your putter as well. The driving range should be used for practicing all of your clubs, driver through wedge. It helps you to understand the yardage that you hit each of your clubs and helps to identify swning flaws with any of your clubs.

I have 2 dog games on my nintendo ad i'm struggling wot 3 dogs to get which will get on a mixtureof boys +girl?

i want to buy a mixture of boys ad girls dog but dont know wot dog to get on my nintendo i can get 3 i have lots of dogs ad like the names summer bingo roxy topaz izzy ad bango ad any other names u can tell me i want the dogs 2 b big ad small but i have 2 dog games so i need u to help me on both thanks sooo much

Is this forum almost entirely comprised of skeptics now?

YEEESSSS, this site is dominated by people who believe GWB is a GOD. Oh , and also who believe that Saddam attacked us on 9/11

What is the best head for defense in lacrosse ?

Price is not a problem ill pay any thing for a good head I just want something that will soot me I was thinking about the harrow turret or the warrior stiffi .if you could tell me why you like it and not just the name of a head that would be grate

Who Will Be Hosting the 2012 Summer Olympics?

I just saw the MSN breaking news headline that Rio de Janeiro will be hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics but I don't even know who'll host 2012 Summer Olympics! Can someone please enlighten me?

How do you explain Scientific things to a 1st grader??

Maybe what you want to do is put it into terms a first grader would understand: water is a liquid because it is runny (or another term), gas is just a liquid that a light or heat turns into water in the air, and solid is something that is hard; you can't push your finger through it. You can change any of those to suit your first grader/kindergardener if you need to.

Is asking a girl out before winter break ok?

if your afraid that u wont see her much than u should really get a jump on it and ask her out other wise u may never get a chance to. its not that bad if u dont have any cles together i dont have any cles with my boyfriend since hes a junior and im a freshman but we still make it work. So go ahead and ask her out the worst that can happen is that she says no

Why does C.A do this?

Damien Martyn always seemed to be ignored, even when he was in the side. Personally, I thought he was a fantastic player, who was extremely harshly singled-out after the 1994 Sydney Test against South Africa. He never really recovered from that episode; it took him a long time to win his place back in the side, and he always seemed to eb a peripheral figure in the team, due to the rest of the batting line-up having already made their names. His reticence has also been a major factor in him not attaining the limelight and the glory he deserves.

What happens if you surprise yourself and find you can earn SGA when applying for SSDI benefits?

I have a friend who a lawyer that handles disability denials and I recommend if you want accurate information you call him.

Im having a Halloween party....?

hey, im 15, and im having a halloween party in my back yard. we have a small woods behind our house, and a ton of free space with trails. im thinking of playing cops and robbers, manhunt, the usual, but i need some more ideas about what else besides running around games. because its gonna be till 11, and not on halloween, im thinking of having everyone wear black, so it will be easy to run around and everything, but i need some party games that would work. the age is 14-16 years old, and im inviting guys and girls.... anythoughts???

What superstar just gives you that electrifying feeling?

RVD. There's nobody else like him in the business. He's been my favorite wrestler since 1997. And one of the reasons for that is because he generally does something spectacular in all of his matches.

A crazy man is haring me! What can I do?

I used to talk to this guy online when I was a teenager (10 years ago). Back then, I gave him my address because he wanted to send me a book. It ended up being a Bible, which I didn't mind. Anyway, this guy started getting obsessive and psycho with me about 4 years ago so I told him to leave me alone. He did...until NOW. Now he's emailing me with some really freakish claims about how my personality is horrible and how I need to take responsibility for what I've done (stop talking to him?) and how I'm not pleasing God and all this other really horrible stuff about how he thinks I'm having and abortions, etc. etc. It is COMPLETELY out of line! I told him I didn't want to talk to him, but he continues to send insulting emails to me about how I have personality problems and am disrespectful, etc etc. when it is HE who is projecting all this stuff onto me. Why would someone act like this in the first place...and what can I do? He has my address.

What is NDA Registration query.Its asking form no. but I have registered online.Please give me a solution?

Is it a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement (CA), confidential disclosure agreement (CDA), proprietary information agreement (PIA), or secrecy agreement?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mysterio vs. Rhodes: Is a hair vs. mask match in the works for WrestleMania 27?

just saying i doubt wwe will do the same match for wrestlemania that they did last year with rey and punk. but still there might be a rhodes vs mysterio match at wm

What is the most effective to train my biceps and anterior deltoid between barbell and machine?

look skippy, its not about what you use. its about how your using it. if you want to hit certain spots like that then you use methods that target those spots. nothing more nothing less.

Hmmm looka like :D?

did the woman who play Daisy Adair in DEAD LIKE ME also play da mom in THE THIRTEENTH YEAR? if not dont they looks the same????

Double main event for Cyber Sunday.... What would you pick???

Double main event w/ John Cena vs. Randy Orton in a pick the stipulation (Hell in a Cell, Lumberjack and a third one that isn't known) and The Undertaker vs. Batista vs. Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali with fans picking the special guest referee (Mick Foley, Steve Austin or Roddy Piper).

Guitar Hero 3 or Rock Band 2?

So I have 45 bux and I wanna get a guitar($15) and a game. Should I get Guitar Hero 3 for 10 dollars and a rechargeable battery back for the guitar($15), or should I get Rock Band 2($35) and call it a day?

What is the difference between alli and alla in spanish ?

all� indicates a far distance or time. Is less precise than alli so it can become cuantified by adverbs.

Asian hair that sticks out, how do i flatten?

I'm asian and whenever i grow my hair long, it sticks out at 90 degrees from the scalp and stands straight kinda like a porcupine. I dont want to cut it short again, so i was wondering if there is anything i can do to not make it stick out (especially the sides)

Questions about the novel Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. HELP!?

First, my I suggest that you read this novel. It's actually a very good story and most informative. It will tell you something about real history, which is what the Kuomintang, the Chinese Communists, Mao, and so on, are about. That was really the point of this essay, too. So, since you obviously don't want to read the book, which is the interesting way to learn about this history, I suggest you dash on over to Google and look up a little of China's history in the 20th century. Find out what that Kuomintang is and how come they lost out to the Communists. Find out an eensy weensy bit about the history of the Communist Party in Red China (the People's Republic of China) on Google. And then, leaving aside your page numbers, for which you'll probably lose a few points, you can just wing the rest of the essay. And your teacher will know that you were too lazy to read the book, but maybe she won't mind because she'll see that you at least bothered to find out about China. Which, again, was the whole point.

I will be fishing the Berkely Pier in CA?

I don't fish Berkeley Pier but I know halibut and have caught over a thousand smalls and over 100 legals off piers, the ones around piers are usually in shore halibut. Not very often do over twenty pounders get up into the surf but the pier halibut (in order of how long the bait lasts in the water) love smelt, small sardines, herring, grunion, small silver dollar perch, small spanish mackerel, mackerel and anchovies. use the small sabiki cut the wings shorter so they aren't much longer than the hooks and use a 1 oz double tie on sinker on the bottom of it. use crushed bread and saltwater to make half golf ball sized spit wads to drop on the water from above and it will trail down into the water just like pelican droppings and the bait fish come running for it. drop the sabiki in the middle of the trailing crumbs. go to the bottom to look for herring and in no more than ten feet of water next to the pilings of the pier for small perch. the other bait fish will be out and about so you will have to cast underhand out to them. if there are what appears to be sea ducks swimming toward the pier pilings they are eating the mussels and disrupting all the organisms that attach to and live on the pilings and that is where I would start fishing for the halibut.(at that depth) but most of the nicer baits I have caught over the years has been nearer to the middle of the piers not so much out on the ends (unless they are a really short pier). the perch will catch halibut up in the surf (2 - 4 feet deep) better than out nearer the end and the herring better nearer the deeper end than in shallow. Smelt anywhere, sardine anywhere in the middle out to the end. Spanish mackerel in the middle third and even frozen anchovies cut at an angle and in half if nothing else works. If the waves are bigger than overhead (to surfers) and or the wind is blowing hard, you might as well find something else to do. They are most aggressive as the sun comes up, right after the clouds burn off and the sun forces them in the shade under the pier and right before the sun sinks into the pacific and after dark the pier oriented halibut will bite on the frozen anchovies better than live bait as well. I use a carolina rig 3/4 oz for every two feet of wave height (from the front). I use levelwinds, heavy action pitching sticks and 8 pound green trilene maybe 10 # on rod 2. I like a 22 inch leader of 16 pound fluorocarbon and I fish under the pier not away from it.

Will you C/C On my Poem. The Faraway Girl.?

Rosa nice to see your work! I really like Faraway Girl with the innocence of loving life. I could almost smell the flowers scent in the air. All of them are very nice and I'm sure she will get a good grade with a wonderful friend as you!! Good to see you post!

Wanna help my about me?... thanks will award 10points to best anwer?

The name is Madi, I'd appreciate it if you never forgot it. (: I had this really great about me written out before, and this girll just ripped it off me, so I'm just starting all over againn. Beat that ***** (:< Anyways, I hang with friends all the time. They're great to be around, I love them. My family is something very close to me, they mean more than just about anything (: I'm not a push over, but I'm pretty great to be around. I'm not boring or a downer or anything, I'm quite unique (: I love to party, so just text it up & tell me where :D Even if your not throwing some pool party that'd be mega fun... text me anyways, ask for the digits if you don't have 'em yet (: I enjoy icecream, it keeps my tummy happy (:

My little kitty died yesterday, and I keep thinking I hear her everywhere?

Your body is in shock and you are mourning her. This happened when my dog died. Soon you will realize she had a great life and is pain-free in Heaven. I hope you feel better soon!

Lanyard, Spring back id badge holder in Seattle?

I can't find one of these things anywhere. You clip a plastic circle on your pants. A string comes out of the circle that springs back when you let it go. Most people attach an id badge or keys to it. Where do they sell these in downtown Seattle, Fremont or Ballard?

National Geographic channel, Inside Taliban/Inside Al Quaida...informative and true?

I just watched a very compelling doentary on the Discovery channel, National geographic Inside Taliban and Inside Al Quaida...the dates were accurate and foretold the truth about what is unfolding in our American History would find this most interesting...what are thoughts? They should make more of these doentaries to keep us informed.

Why does China keep interfering with the people of Taiwan?

The Communist China is a sohai (idiot) and think that if they said the Taiwan is a country, then the Tibet and Sinkiang will independence, but still, the Taiwanese is the best!!!

What is this pressure under my adams apple?

For some reason I am constantly aware of my pulse under my adams apple. I can constantly feel it pounding. For some reason there also seems to be some sort of pressure beneath my adams apple near the carotid artery. Is this anything i should be worried about? The pressure is kind of uncomfortable, but there aren't any noticeable lumps or anything of that sort.. could it be some kind of circulatory condition?

Nervous about mole removal!?

im 15. soo this is kind of embaring. in a couple of weeks im getting 3 moles removed. two on my stomach, and one on my . -__________- this is already embaring enough, but im scared of the actual procedure. i heard they have to give me a shot of novocaine and i absolutely HATE needles. i will p out if i even see it. and also, after they give me the shot.. what do they do??? do they cut way deep into my skin?? im scared af. and im freaking out. someone please help?

How to be a good neighbor in this situation?

Are you sure they have a parrot? Perhaps someone inside is impersonating a parrot (easily done) so you'll go away and they do not have to answer your doorknock. I suppose if someone is crazy enough to play hide and seek in middle age who are you or anyone to stop them? As long as people are crazy ha ha...not crazy peculiar...let them have their fun!

What does this mean? military title?

My bad i thought the question wa US based, because RI GARRISON ST BEDDINGTON PORTSMOUTH has to due with Rhode Island here. Unless he was stationed here in Rhode Island back in the early days. I know we have a lot of cities named after the UK, due to the UK occupation back in the early days.

Going on a very long car trip this weekend, 28 weeks pregnant?

I will be almost 28 weeks pregnant on saturday when we have to get in the car and drive for 14 hours, then 30 weeks when we drive back. What's the likelihood that I will get DVT or something like that? Also I wanted to buy those pee-mate things so I can pee by the side of the road but now don't have time to order them, how could I make one myself? The last time we made this trip I was 14 weeks and got hugely swollen ankles on the way back home... does this mean it will be worse this time?

Is Abel Josiah Reed Shipley a good name?

yes i know it is somewhat long, should I make it Abel Josiah Shipley or Abel Reed Shipley or leave it as it is?

Why is my shower water luke warm (at best) in the morning, but HOT in the afternoon?

It sounds as if your water is sitting in the heater all night and then you are starting itscycle with your shower. Meaning that the water has cooled and at startup you are resupplying it with cold water that has not had time to heat. Experiment by trying the hot water in the morning until the heater turns on and wait a little bit. If you then get a hot shower you will know this is the problem.

What is a totally awesome online game?

what im looking for is a game thats not a Mudd game, or anything like that. I want a game that is has no download, and is free. oh and one where you can see your self on runescape

Do you know any good?

Does anyone know any good albums i could play at my party NOT ones like agadoo and the birdie song ha ha i mean ones like pop and good ones to dance and to sing to thanks jojo xxx xxx

Where can I find Gillette Mach3 Blades wholesale. In the USA for retail??

Starting a small retail business. Flea markets to start need a reasonable wholesaler. Locally prefered. Ohio

Good guinea pig names?

im adopting 2 guinea pigs in about 11 days. (from my friends gramma) thier names are erscotch and zon.. both female are these good?? (erscotch is a goldenish color and zon is alot of colors)

I was told today that i have bulimia nervosa and a severe level of depression?

and i'm only 17yrs old :( i went to a therapist today - parents made me - and they had me fill out questionairs and asked me a bunch of crap, and the therapist said that i definatly have bulimia, and that i fall into the severe depression level. i didnt think i was off that bad! and i was just thinking, i'm only a teen now, will things only get worse as i grow older?

Any ideas for a book review?

Why don't you discuss whether the Twilight books are anti-feminism or not? It seems to be a pretty hot topic among critics of the book. (i.e., Bella can't live her life without Edward, she's pretty much subjected to his whims, etc.)

Incomplete miscarriage question?

I just miscarried Monday. I almost had the D&C. I wouldn't worry too much unless you are bleeding super heavy or get a fever. My doctor recommended any of the 3 options she gave me. D&C waiting or the Cytotec. I had the miscarriage before the D&C. I am still bleeding but most of it came out. I can understand why she wouldn't want to do it. The side affects are damage to your uterus. It could cause you not to have children again... They would prob do another ultrasound to see if all the tissue is gone.

Is a career in psychology right for me, when I'm super emotional and sensitive?

You can't be too emotional if you want to be a psychologist. You can't break down in tears every time a patient tell you what problems they are going through.

Ever hit a pothole while driving that jarred your teeth?

yup hit one so hard it cracked my wheel and blew out my tire and i drive a 95 buick lesabre with stock wheels

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kleos in the Iliad- Achilles and Hector?

Kleos was the ancient Greeks Honor , usually earned through battle , but it was a bit like building greater Honor through the family as time went on, the kleos of the family got greater as son took over from father . He tried the build on the kleos earned by his father for the family name . Achilles and Hector both had great names earned by there forbears . To lose kleos for your family was a great shame, a warrior who lost it would have fallen on his sword rather than return home , the ancient Greek saying , when reaching manhood and being handed his first shield by his mother was return with this shield or upon it .

Is the HP Pavilion P6720F a good gaming computer?

No, in two ways. One- HP is made with cheap parts. I own a computer repair shop and I see HP's more than any other brand. Two- If you want good gaming, don't get an integrated video card; it will look AWFUL. A dedicated video card doesn't share with the processor like a integrated one does. If you want a good gaming computer, check out Asus. Don't get the EEE PC though. It's a netbook and those aren't good for... anything.

Microsoft word?

On your file properties, there should be a "Created", and "Modified" date. You can press Print Screen and then paste it back into Word to print.

Has anybody ever heard of "Medium vol.2"?

I have what seems to be a collection of manga with the title "Medium vol. 2". I cannot find any information on it, so information would be greatly appreciated. I regretfully cannot read all the different titles because they are in japanese, but I happen to know one because it is also written using english letters. That one is called "Kyuketsuki", and from numerous sites appears to mean vampire. I also have several names on the back, and so far they appear to be the creators of these various unrelated mangas. The names are in english: Yosuke-Takahashi, Shinobu-Kaze, Grin-Nishiaki,Yoriumushi, Koichiro-Ida, Knife-Senno, U=Saku-Toyoshima, and lastly Melhen-Maker. Also it may have something to do with Animage Comics. I have heard of a magazine with a similar or same name. I would really like to know about this particular collection. Thank you for your help.

How to control gauss of electromagnet?

Is it the specific amount of electricity that pes through the wire of an electromagnet that determines the gauss level? For instance, if I wanted exactly 0.7 gauss (70 microtesla), how much voltage would I need? Is there are formula for this? And does it depend on the size of the electromagnet/length of wire? If so is there a measuring device that can measure it?

Could anyone blame me?

I've asked my roommate several times not to smoke in the apartment. He still does it. The agreement when I moved in was for no smoking. It says it in the lease. I've written to my landlord but she hasn't responded. I'm moving out in a week but until then I have to put up with his nasty, selfish, hurting-my-health-unless-I-buy-a-gas-mas… habit. I can feel my brain getting stupider and my lungs getting smaller. If I bust into his room with a fire extinguisher and spray it until it's empty, would it be wrong?


OK my derm gave me doxycycline for these little bumps i have been getting and i noticed my hair falls out like crazy in the shower.. i have read online that some other people have had the same thing but docs dont really listen when they say something. i plan to ask derm monday but does anyone else know of anything like this??????? my hair like is seriously falling out and its noticable

In the Anime movie Akira (1988)?!?

did tetsuo blow up the whole universe or just japan??? becuase that old science guy said at the end this si the birth of the universe the year and date im confused and at the end did only 4 peopel really survive or are there more??

How can i be more ertive in school?

I'm in a new school (all girls) and I have a very small grade (60 people). I like it, and most people are nice. But there are a few bitches who sort of try to push you around physically and with the way they talk to you. I'm usually outgoing and agreeable. Inside I am very agressive, but don't show it too much unless very provoked. How can I show more ertivness without starting fights?

HELP!!!! Im 16? is this werid at all?

The other night I was laying down and my brothers friend(who was spending the night with him he is 17) came into my room and said he wanted to talk to me, after about 30 mins he kissed me(i already kinda like him. I was kinda shocked at first but i got into it quick, next thing I know my pant are off and he is striping. About this time my brother(17) walks in and seemed VERY upset, he came to me and ed my bare first I thought he was mad, but he stuck a finger in me. Then his friend came to me and put his in my mouth, my brother,who was striping while this was happening, drove into my virgin puss. I was SOOOOO werided outbut it felt good, they took turns doing the hell outta me, the night ended when his friend was in my **** and my brother entererd my from felt so good but so bad...the next morning they asked if I wanted it again except next time with them plus 2 other friends.....I dont know if I should go for it or not...what do y'all think

Are Black Americans too concerned with what White Americans think of us?

I've noticed a growing gap between Blacks rising above the prejudice that other Blacks hold on too. Those who hold on to the white man won't let us advance are the targets of the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the Black race in that they if able to keep them down profit from it by keeping them thinking that way. While those who go out and get educated and are willing to earn there way on there own merits are leaving them behind.

Cheap size 11 boots, not more than $40?

looking for size 11 boots. i already looked at DSW and some other website, but most of them are expensive. i dont wanna spend more than 40$, money is tight right now.

What do you think of this show name?

Serendipity is a noun, not an adjective, so it can't be used to describe "delight". I second A Serendipitous Delight, or maybe just Serendipity.

Conch Piercing Questions?

How long will i have to wait to change the BALL in my 14gauge Barble? And when can i change the barble itself? Got my conch done yesterday :) ♥

Do you miss the NBA of the 1990's and early 2000's?

And if so, do you like it more now (2003 to present). It's not that I don't like the game of this generation, but it just feels different. The only thing I can say I like is that there's a greater variety of teams who've won titles, since '04. In between '91 & '03, only 4 different teams won 13 NBA titles. Ever since around when the Nets were in back-to-back Finals, or LeBron James and all the curent other stars came in the league, it doesn't feel like the rivalries are as intense or personal as they once were. Definitely not in the Eastern Conference. The Knicks had rivalries with all the Heat, Bulls and Pacers. The Heat and Bulls had a good one. Out west, the Kings, with Divac, Webber and Peja had a big rivalry with Kobe, Shaq and the Lakers. It felt like when you watched the playoffs on NBC, that it actually was the playoffs. It feels like you're watching a regular season game when you watch it on ESPN now. ABC is a little better than ESPN though. It feels today like it's just all about the stars. People are more concerned about how many points Kobe or LeBron scores than if they can actually win a championship.

Whats better a power acoustik or tsunami capacitors?

I was trying to get a capacitor for my truck, and I have a JL 500/1 amplifier pushing two 12's and I wanted to get a Capacitor since an extra battery wouldnt fit in the back of my truck, so I was hoping to see which brand is better and what farad should I get 1 or 2 or maybe more? thanx (any other good brands out there for capacitors)??

How can you tell the difference between the voice of god and just your own thoughts?

I've been diligently seeking an answer from god about decisions I need to make in my life. Marriage problems, and just general direction for my life. I pray, I read my bible, talk to my christian friends but it seems that my thoughts are just a jumbled mess. I fell away from God a few years back and made a lot of wrong decisions. I cheated on my wife, she cheated on me three times. We still really care about one another but it seems like our relationship is nothing but confusion now. I want to do what's right but I have no idea what that is. Part of me wants a divorce but part of me thinks I couldn't ever find someone else who understands me the way my wife does. I'm not ually attracted to my wife anymore and when we do have it's not enjoyable for me and almost feels dirty. I'm 25 so is still a very important part of a relationship to me. I want to feel a close intimate connection with her but its just not there anymore and I find myself wondering if I could find that with someone else. I'm just so confused and no matter how hard I search for an answer it never comes. I feel guilty and worthless. I want something more out of life than this.

Vampire academy: last sacrifice?

I need some spoilers. Like who killed tatiana and who lissa's half sister is?? Even some other spoilers please!

What PS3 games should i get first+ more.?

I am going to get a Playstation 3 sometime buy the end of the year. I would like to know what games should I get (and yes I know GoW III, MW2, Uncharted 2, and Killzone 2) also if there are any bundles that come with PS3 and 2+ games, and if so, what store can I get it from. Thank you for looking this question over as it is very much appreciated.

What is this film called?

I'm trying to remember a film made in the 90's. About a old tall skinny man in a long black raincoat and a black hat. He used to sing or whistle a song in the rain. He would always follow a little girl. Thats about all i remember. Any suggestions?

Why do Arizona Republican lawmakers point laser-sighted guns at reporters in the statehouse?

I agree it was reckless, but this doesn't mean every gun owner is reckless. One of the first things I learned about gun safety is that you never point your gun at anything you're not ready to destroy. Always act as if your gun is loaded. umption is the mother of all f&ck ups.

Who else thinks kurt gidley sucks!!!?

i can't beleive he is captain and fullback for the blues,he cost them the series last year and when nsw have:minichello,dugan,hayne and pattern who are all way better,why do they still pick this guy let alone as captain,hindmarsh should be in the side and the captain..

Spanish speakers?

Trying to find everything related to friendship. He/she found only solitude (loneliness) amongst graves and people, he could not understand the reason of such indifference. I don't know why but I always thought of you as dusk. Still. Pretty/lovely and beautiful in all aspects.

Where is slainte, the cooker, delilah, bazooka joe, dances with wolves, magster these days?

I am here just turned on laptop, was watching a movie, not on as much here in the summer as my son on holidays & busy doing things.............. Delilah on here the other night & Mags & Joe......... also saw dances with wolves a while back on here............

Do you ever dream of running away?

I love this. I'm going to run away from my place too. Nothing is holding me back anymore. I am self-employed. I can work anywhere. I am done with school. I am free as a bird - I just need to take flight.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where else I can apply for a job? (16)?

So yesterday I applied online at 4 Starbucks, 4 Subways, Edwards Theatre, Round Table Pizza, and in person at a vegan restaurant. Any other ideas where I can apply? I was thinking of going in person to a Baskin Robbins. Also I have no job experience either. And what are the chances of me getting hired? How long til I hear from them? Any advice? (:

Is there a way to find out someones unlisted phone #?

My question is...why would you want a number that is unlisted anyway? Obviously that person didn't want you to have it. Are you a stalker, or something?

Am I the only person to realise the bible is written by men for men and not god?

The sheer amount of contradictions in the bible purporting to come from the same source would rule out any possibility of there being a remotely omnipotent being behind it. Further, can someone please explain the amount of gratuitous violence supposedly ordered to be carried out agains various ethnic groups in the name of the Lord? Isn't S/He supposed to be a nice being?

What shade are my eyebrows, out of these options? :)?

The color stay enhancer: I'd get the light brown, but medium brown works. I wouldn't go darker than that, for that particular product. For the brow fantasy, I'd get brunette. Your brows don't look bad at all! They look like they got a good shape going on. Just brush them up a bit, and LIGHTLY fill in your brows, starting on the outer parts. Good luck :)

Any quotes pleasee?? ?

anybody got any quotes about just going out and just acting bad?? :) im in that kind of mood rit now haha like going into a store and just destroying everything! quotes about that kind of stuff pleasee?

Easy Cooking?

We LOVE my suasage, egg and cheese sandwhiches on a biscut! So easy and WAY better than the fast food places. Just pattie fry up your sausages. Then, mix a few eggs in a bowl with a dab of milk and salt and pepper and pour in a pan and fry. I cut them into 4's to flip them. It's easier. Like cutting a pie or pizza. Then, this is all while my biscuts are baking. I use the big biscuts. Like the Grands kind only I use the generic version. They are fine. And when the eggs are just about done, put a half piece of cheese on each piece. Then, when all is done, just put it all together. Enjoy! YUM!

Swamp rock bands like CCR?

There never will be any band like CCR. There is the southern rock sound that is real 38 special, Alman Brothers, etc. But not that swamp sound...I am going to pick a person from New Orleans that can get on the swamp side LOL! Dr. John. Let me add blues man Lonnie Brooks.

Spanish help for homework?

So I forgot how to say "How are you?" in Spanish. Is it "Como estas usted?" or "Como usted", or neither and then tell me the right way. I also need to know the polite way to say "What is your name?" in Spanish. Thanks.

How can I apply to McGill University early?

I am a junior in high school with a 4.49 GPA, and a 1710 SAT score and would like to apply second semester of my junior year in high school. How could I do this?

My cat is periodically off colour for no apparent reason why?

My cat came home last night after doing what he does??? He was fine last night but today he seems dull and tired. Routine is the same every day but he has been off his food for a few days, but so is my other cat(off his food but not unwell) My other cat is a house cat and not ready to deal with the outside yet i don't feel. They are both fully innoculated against everything, wormed and de-flead. Why is he going off food and appearing dull. He is 11 months old. His gums are fine, weight, and coat fine. I feel that he maybe having too much food choice? As i say we have an indoor cat that has gone of food too. We are buying reputable brands of food and supplying dried food that is available at all times for them both. My unwell cat has his freedom but seems to be suffering from depression or lethargy today. Is this normal behaviour in cats i have never owned a cat before and not sure if this is a regular occurence with experienced cat owners.

What is the best way to catch big fish from a dock in wisconsin?

i am getting mad because my friend always tells me he catches 20 inch northern pikes and walleye, then when i go to go fishing i end up catching a bluegill. I use spinner baits when i try for big fish, i use red and white and a multicolored, i also try sometimes using bright colored plastic fish lures. Any tips on how i can improve, im also thinking of trying to fish off my aunts friends boat sometime but my dad tells me you can catch em off a dock too. please help!

School Or Work? I am confused and need some insight.?

go to school. school=better job=better pay. It will pay off in the long run! Thats great that you are approved for a pell grant. That means you won't have to pay anything back. So depending on how much that grant gives you, you could be going to school for a really affordable cost! Other students will kill to have that opportunity. Good luck

Are you Americains feeling proud today?

I think you should. You did what everyone thought impossible. A black guy with a sensible/logical mind at the White House! We, old Europe, (I'm a frenchman who lived ten years in the UK and who works very often in Germany), thought that it was about time the US become less arrogant. No doubt about it, the US is the only superpower left in the world since the USSR collapsed. What you did is brillant. A new dawn has come. And most of us in Europe think that once again you're ready to show us the way. Well done mates!

Are the prices of diamonds negotiable?

Can I negotiate the price of a diamond? Or is it like walking into a store and buying a gallon of milk?

Who gave King David all his many wives to enjoy?

I AGREE! The Bible is surely not a work of any righteousness. I am a Minister and hold a P.H.D. in Religious studies. I take the Bible with a grain of salt, its value is of little purpose. That being Historical or moral.

Help: Is this wrong, who is in the wrong and how to apologize?

Help. If no one wants to read all this well that is just fine because sometimes I don't feel like reading long questions on here either. I will understand. LOL Anyway Thanks and I appreciate anyone that does read this all and answers this question. I'm replacing the real names with fake names. There is a women (Donna) I know that I knew my whole life that I feel like she never liked me at all. Donna stole from me and my parents and she threatened me before and has hit me before like a bully when we were young and in high school. I don't know why casue I use to do everything for her. I use to buy her stuff and let her spend the night at my house and sleep in my bed. Maybe I have done something that hurt her that I didn't realize I did, I don't know, I'm not sure why she treats me this way all the time. I always try to be her friend and sometimes she acts like she wants to be my friend too but then she always does something mean afterwards like make me look stupid and roll her eyes at me. One day on FB, I was trying to help our other friend (Nicole) was asking for advice from people on wheather she should take her cheating husband back or not. So I told her if he truly was sorry and was going to change and go to counseling for sure then yes she should take him back. I believe in God and forgiveness and apologizing so this other girl (Mya) got in the conversation and was disagreeing with me saying she shouldn't forgive him so I was like okay that's fine that is your opinion. Then all of the sudden out of the blue the women (Donna) that always does things to hurt me starting judging me out of nowhere saying she didn't want me in the conversation (which was open to anyone) and was mad I was helping our friend Nicole out or something, (who is really nice and a sweet women never did anything to hurt me) I don't know I'm so confused, Well anyway (Donna) out of the blue started judging me saying I shouldn't be saying anything, giving my two cents in because I set a bad examples for my niece because of some things I have done in the past. Now I know I am not perfect but I didn't judge anyone I was just telling Nicole that yes she should forgive her husband because no one is perfect and God wants us all to look out for each other and forgive each other when we do wrong. I blew up at Donna and started yelling at her and saying I'm sick of alll this stuff you keep doing to me and I can't take it anymore, All you do is steal from me and judge about something that you do the same thing as I do. Donna has set bad examples for her nieces and nephews also and the same thing I have done. She started laughing saying so what you stupid B**ch I don't care about your pity party yadayadayada... I wanted to know if I should apologize to her for blowing up like that and forgive her. Our mutual friend Michelle is having a surprise B-day party I want to go but I feel like I can't go because this women Donna will be there and she threatened me that the next time she saw me she would take care of me as in "beat me up". I can't talk to my friend Michelle's sister who is throwing the B-day party cause she would never understand and probably not care. What should I do? Donna fills peoples heads up with lies about me like she will probably tell our friend Michelle that I am a rotten friend cause I didn't show up to the party. Help should I apologize to Donna or no because I didn't really do anything wrong? I don't know what would be the right thing to do. I ust want to live in peace and say sorry to her but did I do anything wrong and should I apologize? I konda feel bad about what I idi sometimes but then I feel like I didn't really do anything mean to Donna and that Donna was the one doing mean to hurt me.

Wondering how much HP in my rebuilt RX7?

i have an 88 rx7 13b n/a four port, large street port, 3 mm 2 piece stock seals, water jacket mods, 50 series webber carb, turbo ii oil pump, deeper oil grooves in the rotors, turbo ii drivetrain, stage 3 clutch, obx header, two msd boxes, and i think thats it for now

Maintenance & Repairs how do i get rid of termites?

ok, so I have a pine cofe table, you know the texas rustic star tables? well today my 3 year old and 2 year old decided it would be fun to draw a mural all over the top of it, so i had basically scrub the whole top of it. It doesnt have much stain, it looks pretty much nfinished. But when my husband got home, I noticed these ity bity bugs all over the top of it. My husband got a flash light and said they were termites. OMG thats freaking me out. how do i get rid of them. How did they get there. what on earth do i do. and are they termites for sure? and all my furiture is the same wood, soes that mean they are in all my furniture? what do i do???

Im engaged and pregnant?

tha baby is not his and he is offering hiz love and money and i known him for the last 5 years what should i do


I accidentally downloaded the 'MS Removal tool' and now i can't get rid of it. It wont allow me access to my other cleaners like CCleaner and my IObit Toolbox and has prevented me from accessing my Google browser, and anything where i could get rid of it. And will NOT let me uninstall it. The NAG Screen is driving me nuts...anybody know a way to GET RID OF IT FOR GOOD or a cleaner that WILL work under these conditions? I can't access anything but FireFox and that's iffy.

News report:does this sound like a good report?

No, a good news report is 100% factual. A bad news report would say that a fictitious event from Scandinavian Mythology happened yesterday.

Warhammer online Game froze cant log back in ?

k im playin then the game freezes, so i hit ctr alt delete, after a few minutes the gamewindow closes and im back at my desktop with nothing open not even the windows task manager that shouldve been open because of the ctr alt delete, so i opened the game back up and i put in my login in info and i get in, when i chose my server the little box on the side gets all the way to logging in then it say account already logged into a dif, i know this means the game thinks im still logged in sooo how do i fix this, and i dont think the servers down or anything like this because i cant get into any servers

College guy here... what would/did you do in my case? Any help is appreciated!! :~)?

Currently I am in college. I met this guy online a few days ago, and since then we have hangout about every night until 2am. Initially (sadly) this was going to be a hook-up sort of thing.. but something happened and his parents were home.. so we ended up riding around the village/waterway area in our city. We have both agreed that not having was the best thing that could have happened.. because we have gotten to know eachother better. Last night we went to a movie.. anyways.. i'm not out at all in college.. should I feel ashamed if I were to have him over in my room? I know friends will most def question, "who is this guy." I'm an attractive guy, never had a gf.. so I ume i'm gay.. I'm not realy ready to tell everyone about me, but can I let this friendship/maybe soon relationship continue? Btw I think he's like the most interesting/attractive/fun person i've ever been around. I just want to know how other people have delt with relationships when not "out." I have plans to go to med school after graduating in a few years.. i wouldn't not want to be with someone over uncontrollable factors as such..

POLL - Favorite Music Genre ?

Mines is probably stuff like electro and dubstep, or artists like Chromeo, Akira Kiteshi, and ?

If a census worker comes to your house will you spray them in the face with a fire extinguisher?

This group is a bunch of idiots, they have already squandered 10's of million of dollars. If one of these clowns come to your door will you rub dooo dooo in their face, squirt them with a fire extinguisher, etc?

Does your skin have to breath? If it's blocked will there be a problem?

I have a girl friend that wants me to help her cover her whole body with vasoline, I know this could lead to a lot of fun, but is there any risk of damage possible to the cells by the vasoline blocking the cell respiration. She plans on having the vasoline on her over the weekend Friday night to Sunday night. I know this sound kind of like a wesson oil party but she thinks this will stop her itching.

Should i transfer to a university this fal? or keep taking cles at the community college?

That is one saaaad story. The only way for you to get out of this rut is to stop sitting at home and go out and do something. Get a hobby, job, or something. You are in the prime of your life and should be enjoying life to the fullest. You get out of life what you put in and frankly you are not putting that much in. I would go to the university if I were you. Not only because it will increase your chances for success, but it will increase your opportunities. Just remeber... going to a university doesn't ensure you a social life. You need to live in the dorms and meet some people. You don't want to live this way the rest of your life. There is no excuse for being boring with so much in this world to enjoy. Make the most out of every situation and get out there and enjoy life.

Really worried about my teen brother's actions lately... I need advice..?

it's nice that you are worrying about your brother.Talk to him, send him to a place where he can get over his addiction to drugs. best of luck : )

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On Dec 18, My Dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor in his cerebellum, (larger than a golf ball), He had a?

craniotomy on Dec. 26, The tumor showed to be lung cancer that has spread to his brain. He has tumors in both lungs, 1 adrenal gland, and possibly his stomach,(he is having a pet scan on Monday). The doctors will not give us a prognosis. Please help me understand how long he may possibly have to live. Thank you

Thunder - Heat Blockbuster Trade Idea?

As good as Wade is, OKC has no business giving away Durant and Westbrook. Chalmers is a joke and they are just starting to build some chemistry.

Help! I'm not positive but i think my crayfish is dying!?

My little sister is in fifth grade, last year she brought a crayfish home from school, (for science) and she took care of it as a pet. She wasn't so good at cleaning the tank, but she did it once every two weeks. We have had him for about a year now, and last night i was doing homework, and i checked on him. I noticed that he had shed, and when i saw HIM he was laying on his side, and his side of his shell seemed week, and sort of caved in. My sister said that is because he just shed and his new shell is soft. But he has been on his side all day, and he still is. I don't think he has any strength to pull himself up, or move around. I'm not sure if he is dying or it's because of his shedding. Also I don't know if they can drown, or dry out, but i want to make sure he has JUST enough water, and not too much or too little! could you please direct me! I am afraid he might drown or dry out! I don't know what to do, and I can't just let the poor thing suffer!

What drove Capt. Lance Sijan to do what he did?

It seems... superhuman that he could suffer through his ordeal and then NOT give up anything under interrogation. Is that kind of thing expected from POWs? If not, why did he go so far beyond what's expected?

What is skin tenting?

I am in nursing school, and I was reading through an article about clavicle fractures, and it said to look over the skin for tenting. What is that???

What would I major in for Commercial broadcasting?

I think this is what I really like to do... I like to make up scenarios and I make these short commercials for certain deals that my job offers over the intercom for customers, it is so much fun... i really love it! and what would a possible salary be?

Hey guys......question about quotations.......please help me!!?

Purdue University has a great website on how to properly quote a person and then reference it as a footnoted citation or at the back of the paper. See link below

I think i made a fool of myself??

I think this gives you an opportunity to talk to him and have a good laugh about what transpired. Just enjoy your pending conversation and view it as a special moment with him.

How do u make icecream in a little batch in a plastic baggie by shaking it for a few minutes??

i did it before at pathfinders (a church group) where we made icecream that way but i forgot the supplies and if neone knows i owuld love to b able to do that again! (: thx!

What is the best book you have ever read?

I've just finished 'The Thirteenth Tale' which I really enjoyed, and as it was a friend that recommended it, I guessed you all might help me out with my next purchase! My preference is fiction or a biog/autobiog from someone interesting. Thank you!

What do you think of..?

Go to web site called This site will give help with the meanings and origins of any name you choose.

Hornets slash wizards trade?

should the hornets trade chris paul and peja for caron butler,randy foye and mike miller it helps the hornets become more of a complete team and it gives the wizards the best backourt in nba history.

Airsoft Pistol Question?

Far to weak fps for the price. Blowback feature on the glock wastes Co2. If your just out to collect and want to pay for "pretty" you will be happy. You can get a cheep Co2 Crossman fires at 400 fps at wallmart for $39, just fusion paint it black. Very good sidearm in "combat".

y Queen Bumble Bee Costume 4 Halloween. What does this say about my personality?

you probably just wanted people to see what you are like on the inside. Halloween lets us get a little wild and crazy and allows us to dress in a way that we would never dress normally.

How long will it take to drive to LAX from Frazier Park starting at 6pm on a Tuesday?

From Frazier Park you might want to consider just using either the Flyyaway bus by parking at Van Nuys thereby avoiding most of the traffic Or, take the Kern Transit bus to Bakersfield and use the Airport Bus of Bakersfield which has discount same day round trip tickets and would allow you to let someone else do all of the driving and save parking costs. Good Luck

I am having contractions that are strong and painful, but then go away! What can I take to start active labor?

There is nothing that you can take. The only thing that you can do that is safe for you and the baby, is to walk, have and try nipple stimulation. The longer the baby stays in the womb though, the more developed the baby will be. I know it stinks, I was 2 weeks late, but remember it will be over soon. You will not be in labor or pregers forever.

Growing apart from your friends...?

Has anybody ever had a friendship that they outgrew but the other person didn't? How did you handle it as in were you subtle or downright blunt about it? I have a friend who I don't want in my life anymore. She is fairly insecure and basically instead of opening up to me she just acts in denial of her problems and subtly takes them out on me. I have tried talking to her but she just won't talk about anything and its so unfair then that she just treats me in a certain way to make herself feel better. More the fool me I guess for stickin around. I have various plans to travel and move out and this friend is insistent that we do everything together. I guess I have to bite the bullet, stop being so nice and just do my own thing regardless of whether she gets offended.? What do you think? I just feel so held back.

What does my dream mean? My soul left me...?

I think you have a disreality from life and sometimes feel you are merely a spectator in your own life

I read an article on msn sometime ago on answering rude questions such as when are you getting married? having

a baby, how much do you earn? iforget who the columnist was: miss manners or ms. etiquette? they were quick witted remarks to these! i need some direction to taping shut the curious of heart...thanks!

Does homeowners insurance cover lcd tv's?

My 3 year old son threw a drumstick at my 46" LCD TV. The outer screen is in perfect shape, but the impact damaged the inner workings of the screen. Although it's only 5 months old and still under warranty, the manufacturer will not cover this type of damage. Will my homeowners insurance cover the TV?

Oleander with burnt looking leaves?

You may just have to wait. I had a tender plant freeze one time, but I was told not to cut off the dead stuff right away. I waited, and in spring I did cut back the dead stuff after I detected new growth starting to show. It came back slowly and now it's fine. Also, my neighbor had oleander that was getting really brown. He discovered gophers were eating the roots and killing it from beneath the ground. Also, once he watered the other one more, it looked better. People say to water well before frost is expected, because cold tends to dry out plants. The black bud ends & curled leaves sound more like a fungus or parasite. (Or perhaps the plastic bag trapped in moisture and they mildewed). Pick off some sample leaves and take it to a good nursery or to the county extension office for advice. I hope that this may help you.

Is the situation in Gaza today comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto during the 1940's?

How did I know Kamran would be the first to answer? I honestly don't know as I was born in 1945 when the war had ended. I am sorry for the Palestinians though, they have as much right to that land as the Israeli's THINK they have.

I am working in a pvt company.I want to give a letter to my boss for increasing my salary.?

Do it immediately. What are your achievements and the benefits derieved by the company should be in the first paragraph. Your commitments and the future involvement through which the company is going to be benefitted is to be in the second paragraph. In the third para ask for an increase in return for the above. Be genuine in all the above, otherwise it will worsen the situation. Best of luck. do not bother about the language. The content matters and not the frills.

How does this list sound?

I think its the perfect amount. lol mrs b said not to bring gum but ill probably end up bringing a pack anyway.

How does one go about meeting someone new?

'Question. I just moved to the area to attend college in August of last year. I was really ready to meet people and make friends. About halfway through the semester someone said that I should get an account on Facebook to meet people. So I did. Well, after going to church 'religiously' twice a Sun and joining a few clubs here and there at college I still found myself without anyone to 'hang out with. Yes I have met people, but when they p me in the hallway I am ignored just like they did not ever meet me. I have been on Facebook for almost a year now and I have tried to add friends on there, but no one accepts my add, and not one person has added me (not even 'spammers'). The page is fully filled out with my own interests and likes, so I have put myself out there. I just don't get it. My parents were in the Military, so I had to move around alot while I was younger so I never really got close to a group of people. I would really like to do so, but it just seems as if I am an 'oddity' for people to look at but not to interact with. I was under the impression that could get a group of friends to 'hang out' with in college, but it's like no one wants to get to know anything about me. The people I have met go on 'outings' as I overhear them talking about them, but I haven't been invited anywhere. I don't feel like I should impose by asking to be invited somewhere. It would be nice to be invited somewhere, but I don't know what to do. I have been here almost a full year and still do not know anyone here as far as students. Even the people in the clubs I am in, and the tutoring center I go to just treat me as a 'customer.' I can't help but feel that I am not doing something I should be doing, or I am doing something wrong.

A poem, tell me how you like it?

A good start, but your choice of many words leaves the meaning (or your intent of it) too ambiguous. Try asking in the POETRY section, not PHILOSOPHY if you want a better ysis.

Hwat should i buy her for Valentine?

see i like this girl and she is my valentine and im takeing hur to the movies and i dont know what to buy her.....p.s. can i have some tips on what to do on our date...ive never bin on a date b4...plz hlp me

My friend's girlfriend is very immature. am i to blame for this?

i was hanging out with my homeboy at his place the other day. he lives with his girlfriend and their son. his girl was at work at that time. i was just having a lil smoke as we were playing ps3. my man's son was with us too. he's like 5 months now. his girlfriend came in, saw me smoking and was on me to like a *****. i mean whats so wrong about smoking in front of a baby? i know about second hand smoking but this is ridiculous. it was not like i was breathing down the kid's face. he was on the other side of the couch and i was just smoking a ciggarette, not snorting cocaine or something like that. don't you think that this girl overreacted? i had to put it out because it was their house but don't you think i wasn't to blame? i mean if the kid's father is cool with me smoking in his presence, why can't the baby's mother just mind her business too. btw they are both 17 and are young parents. i think that this girl is very immature and needs to concentrate more on being a good mother instead worrying about other people's smoking habits. i am right and she was just immature and overreacted.....isn't that right....who agrees?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Anyone got any hollyoaks spoilers?...?

claire comes back 2 get revenge on warren and set fire 2 da loft,and warren and justin die in the fire!i wish merchades and malachy and ste would leave it they are annoyn

Would you ever name your children one of these names? Why or why not?

i like Julia (because thats MY name) but not Julianna and Sophia out of the girls. i like all the boy names except for nolan, i dont know why it just reminds me of snot. sorry. ):

Y&R What is Deacon Shape up to?

I only know what I read about him online, that he was married to Macy that he dated Amber, Bridget and Brooke, and that he has a son with Amber's dead cousin and a daughter with Brooke, but what is he doing in Genoa City and why is he framing Daniel?

Behavioral defense a animal does to combat a virus infection?

They vomit, have diarrhea, run a fever, and sleep a lot. It can vary depending on the virus involved.

Where can I find the Sookie Stackhouse series from Charlaine Harris to read online?

I know some people answer these with "you cant read books online for free" but you can and I need to find a few places where its possible please! :) Thank you!

What do you guys think about the Sears's attachment parenting idea?

no you can't spoil them by loving on them "too much" and let me just encourage you also that you are doing more for your child by carrying them around on your hip (or a carrier) so they can see and learn their enviornment then you would be by placing them in a bouncer all day for them to stare at the same white wall. Your child will NOT be glued to you all their life because of this, they will grow to be very independent and self are helping them grow confident in their surroundings and teaching them the love and comfort they need to florish in this world.

Any violent Facebook games that actually allow you to do SOMETHING besides clicking like on Mafia Wars?

Well of course I have to click, but nothing boring like Mafia Wars, Fashion Wars, and Street Racing (All my opinion, you can't change it). I tried Battle of Survival but it glitched my computer a lot... Thanks :)

LFC best team in the world!!!!!?

No idea but you've also no doubt been listening to this....a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What would you do if you had 1.2 billion US Dollars deposted in your account by tomorrow morning?

I'll give you 1 billion and the 200 million i'll keep for myself.... That would be enough to last me a dozen lifetimes.... then i'd have to wake up and find out that it was just a dream.... cause what you're saying is downright impossible... but nice it's nice to think about it once in while.... and dreaming is free and sometimes quite enjoyable too....

Can anyone elxplain how to do these problems, please??

Hey i can help u for email package in which u can send them questions and they will send u answers on daily basis .they r genious tutors i also take help from them of math u can try it it juts call u only $20 for 5 questions .no need to look after any more help as 1 just got my answers when i want my email id is

Who is yourfavorite couple from Dancing with the Stars, and why? (all seasons)?

DEFINITELY Drew and Cheryl!! I also liked Cheryl with Emmitt just because she really turned him into a decent dancer (the first episode I thought he would be one of the first ones to go!!). I liked Maks with Mel this season, Monique and Louie, and of course the sweetheart, Sabrina and Mark. (they are sooooo cute together!)

Deodrants/aftershaves for 16 year old lads?

stay away from the aerosols for deodorant/etc. They aren't effective and just mask the odor. I remember reading about a month ago about a fellow in Australia that died because he sprayed too much aerosol deodorant in a confined space. I guess that it messed with his heart rhythm. I would suggest that he uses roll on deodorant and maybe some spray cologne. Powders are good to use in areas such as socks and underpants. Some of those have much better scents than the best colognes.

What will go with this dress??

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a this might be what ur looking for

Music Production Equipment?

use apple logic pro. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should I sell my Flip Mino HD?

Hey everyone. I bought a Flip Mino about 1 1/2 months ago because I am a tech reviewer on YouTube and I needed to get a new camera that records video in HD. I have just recently got enough money to buy an actual HD camcorder. Should I keep my Flip Mino HD or sell it for $200? It is the new Mino which records in HD for 120 minutes.

My mother has changed and she's annoying me?

My parents are in their late 60's and moved into a senior's building about 3 years ago. My mom used to have a very active social life but I have noticed lately that all they do is socialize with the people in their building, and get involved in all the petty politics, etc. I also notice that my mom has gotten extremely bossy over the past few years. She bosses everyone around, including my dad and my hubby (who just tries to ignore it). She also tries to correct my parenting, even though my kids are pretty good. I think she figures she's being helpful, but she's also proud of the fact that she's outspoken. On the other hand, she's super sensitive and if she calls and I'm busy, she starts asking me what's wrong and apolgizes for bugging me. I don't know if she's lonely or going through something, but the way she is lately is getting on my nerves. She calls every day and if she can't reach me on my home phone, she calls my cell, calls me at work, etc. I have my own stress to deal with and while I love my parents, the way my mom is lately is starting to drive me nuts. I know if I tell her, even politely, to back off a bit with the clinginess and unsolicited advice, she'll take it to heart and get upset. I am the youngest and the only daughter, so maybe that's why she's like this. But I find the older she gets, the more she clings to me. Luckily, my husband and I are generally pretty easy going, so we usually don't act offended even if someone crosses the line. I just don't know what to do and I don't want to hurt her.